5 Element Energy Clearing


A five element energy clearing is a way of reconnecting with your authentic essence and helping it shine through. These sessions provide energetic support and healing which is structured around the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Each element has its own unique attributes, focusing on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the individual. In a session, different facets of the elements rise to the surface for release of what is no longer needed and for recognition of skills, strengths, and abilities. Experiencing a series of these sessions can maximize the benefits, help build resilience, and allow for easier flow in life.

Please review the policies below prior to your session.

Length: 45 minutes

Price: $165 USD



It is highly recommended that you schedule time for yourself immediately after your session to process and integrate the experience before returning to work or other obligations. 


Payment for a service session is due 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment time.

For Remote Sessions

Please arrange to be in a quiet and comfortable environment where you will be alone and undisturbed for the duration of the session. If you plan to use a cell phone for the call, please make sure that you have clear and unbroken reception whenever possible. Speaker phones are not recommended because they can interfere with the sound quality of the call.